I laugh at my confusion!

~I laugh at my confusion!~
Artist: Space Coyote

Wow Daniel what managed to knock your train off its tracks?
Nobody can ever say I don't laugh at myself!
Heh yeah thats true, and you look mightily amused about it.
I said that witty thing becuase I have no idea what you mean about a train.
Well you look so confused, like someone completely confused you.. A little bit like right now.
Then I guess it was you!
Heh most probably. I seem to confuse you more than I should.
Cuz you're smart and I'm stupid!
Naw, you aren't stupid, you just need to read some more.
Reading is hard!
Only if you're reading ribbon.
No way, thats tons easier!
Evil mage gobbildygook.
Don't gotta read much at all, you just look and you know it!