
Artist:John Kantz

So Dr.Evil, is the moon laser ready to be fired? Or are you and mini-squeek going to simply go and blow something up?
The... make clothes disapeer on ladies laser!
Ooooh your feindish plot to make all women naked huh? That sounds like fun actually!
Sadly, Enker was killed by the super spy fighting to defeat me!
Hell no! Unless that spy was female I think most guys would want this to happen.
Well, I've also gone insane and started mass murdering.
Ah you see thats when I'd let the spy get you. I'm smart enough to know when to run for my life.
Naw, cuz you arn't cold blooded, you'd like talk and shit or give some weird death trap. I'd just kill 'em!
That or I'd sedate you alot so you're homicidal tendancies would be curbed by the fact you can barely move. So then the spy would have no reason to try and kill you.
Sedatives dont' work on me!
It's called catnip and nudie magazines.
Thats not a sedative!
Not really but it'll distract you long enough to get your mind off killing.