Such a cutie!
~Such a cutie!~
Artist: Bryan Tallman

Wow. This is STILL coming back to bite our asses. Well, yours.
ARGH *>.<* Dammit!! Nooooo ;_; its not fair.
Well at least the only guys that hit on you will be pedophilles.
Ew ... thats kinda worse... Hey if I kill them it would be self defense..
Exactly! Hey we should hire you out to the local guard for like undercover work!
Like hell no!! That would be suicide!!
How many perverts are in the local guard?!
And how would YOOOOOOOU know this?
I've lived here most of my life!!
Not here here. You lived in future here!
Oh like guards ever change.
So, how long it take to get your hair that curly?
-.- Dont ask ...