One finger salute

~One finger salute~
Artist: Mads

Here is Daniel's unmistakable world wide known gesture of contempt, that and how he lets people know what he is really thinking about something.
... Thats the most fancy way of saying 'here I am flipping people off' I've EVER heard.
::grins:: Yeah I know. But it works.
If by works to confuse people you mean.
I bet alot of people understood what I said!
But you confused me! And I'm the most important person here! This page is all about meeeee!
Noooo Its about me too!
You arn't in this picture!
No I'm not. But I'm talking here too!
Commenting on the greatness that is ME!
So you're saying the words I use aren't good enough?
... sure! We'll go with that.
So you want me to use bigger and longer words?