Whats in the box?! Who Cares!?!
Merry x-mas!
~Whats in the box?! Who Cares!!!~
Artist: Gally

We're dressed up for that Earth thing called Christmas! Now. Normally I'd bitch about that, but... look! Illy is santa!!!
Yay!! Hothothot Santa girl with presents!
Too bad we don't know her ICly.
Yeah, oh well. We have Kayana and Madison instead!
TBut no Illys!!! Mrehehe.. you're a reindeer.
You're an elf!
Least I get hands!
You arn't even at eye level with her boobs!
Neither are you! You gotta jump to get there!
Nooooo, Illy's only like 5'9"! See look, I'm on my way down from jumping!!
Oh yeah ... I can sit in her lap!