Pink and Horny

~Pink and Horny~

Aaahahahahahahahahahahahhahahhaa, I remember this!!!!
*laughs* Yeah that was an absolutely clasic 'pink' moment.
I shoulda bought that thing.
So you could Dannyize the world?
Yes! Get it in the drinking water.
Pink would no longer be a stricktly girl colour, though you may have diehard butch warriors comming to beat down your door.
I'd just be patient zero.
In other words you'd lie your ass off and laugh at them as they go away confused?
No I'd say I was the first victem!
Isn't that lieing?
... well I WAS the first.
But being a victom of genetics is not really a good excuse.
... you confuse dme.
Being born like that isn't really being first.
Is too!