Mice Meese and Squeek

~Mice Meese and Squeek~
Artist: Gally

. . . We're all mice!
No Shnit!
Lesbian mice in front!
Crazy human guy in back!
And somebody preteeeeeending to sleeep.
Someone scared out of his little golem mind!
Poor Squeekers. Why you think he's so scared?
Isn't he mouse-a-phobic?
Yah he is... but I ain't ever figured out why.
Maybe you could ask him there?
I can't speak mouse! ...oh lookit. I only got one fore-paw. Oh well I look happy enough.
Most of us do. Who is the sourpuss?
Pretty sure thats Anessa.
Wow she looks pissed, awww well at least we're having fun!
Yap. next I pounce Squeekers and he spontanously turns off.
Hehehe! Poor golem.