Gwen on display!

~Gwen on display!~
Artist: Space Coyote

Hehehe Dolyn looks so damn embarased.
I'm gonna build up a collection!
Of naked Gwen pictures?
Yah! Only I'm allowed to look at them! ... well and you. But not random strangers!
Of course! Of course! We wouldn't want random strangers to see naked pictures of our friend.
Exactly. It is our DUTY to collect them all. And keep them away from Dolyn too.
So she cant destroy the naked evidence of her sister.
Yes! Fore just as we cannot let it fall into the wrong hands, nor can we let it be lost from us... posteritiy. ... did I use that word right?
Why yes, yes you did! Cookie for Daniel.
\ Cookie! Fucking awesome. Also I must note I'm so damn awesome you can tell what I'm thinking just from the back of my head.
Would that thought be 'Get out of the road that's some hot hot gwen art!'.
No way, I don't think like that, that sounds totally fucking lame.
No you use more sware words..
And less words!