3 of 'em!
Artist: Gally

Whoa, Three me's in a row.
All three of your forms!!
Is it just me or do I only get smaller?
You only get smaller! Makes your human form look BIG.
Change big into huge and its closer.
Mrehehe. Spider. Hm. We should probalby let folks know you don't change into a spider.
Evil freaky spiders!!
Image this picture 2 seconds in the future...
I think it will either be empty, or the human me will be holding two furry selves while the hybrid trys to throw knives.
And human you pisses his pants!
Naw he'd be in too much pain from all the claws to notice the spider.
Mrehehehehe!!! ...so why you all amazed how tall your human self is?
Yah ... its kinda weird. I don't ever feel that tall.
I'm taller!! (by two inches.. but STILL!!!)
I know you are!
And mega taller with my horns!!