Look I Got Orange on my Blue now I'm soooo Pretteh!!!

~Look I Got Orange on my Blue now I'm soooo Pretteh!!!~
Artist: space coyote

*peers at the title* It appears Kayana wandered into the control room.
*chuckles* Yap, and she has aptly named your picture, looks like you got the honey jar in your reach.
You confuse me. I look like I'm about to take over the world! All cool and styling.
*smiles* Aaah but if the world is your honey pot. You sure do look styling though, SC did really good on this.
I like honey. Its sweet. This pic looks like a cover to a comic book, yah know.
Catdragoncrawdad Man! Here to take over your poontang!
I wanna be in a porn comic.
We all do Daniel, we all do.