Touching the Soul
~Touching the Soul~
Artist: Erin

*looks at the picture on the screen and sips his coke*"Um.. yah..."
"*sighs softly* This is a picture showing me using my necromantic skills, I .. personaly dislike using them unless nessersary, because of .. reasons."
"Yah... but what sucks is he's gotta... cuase it like builds and s***.. so if he doens't raise something when we're all by our lonesome in the middle of f***ing nowhere... he could raise up something big and bad in a city with out meaning to."
*nods gently* "Hey boys and girls, not all stories can be perfect and happy.. need some angst in there or the good parts dont look as good."
"Yap! First rule of good story telling... put some bad mojo in there or else it falls flatter then this damn can of coke."*glares at said can*
"Want me to see if I can revive it?*grin*"