What would have been...

~What would have been...~
Artist: The Coyote from Space

... and this comes back to fucking torment me again.
It's not that bad. If you were like that you wouldn't have had all the fun you've had.
Yes I woulda.
But you would never have hung out with me!
Oh Yes I woulda!
Nope! You would have been off chasing pussy all the time!
And I woulda made sure you hadda girl too!
Well yeah maybe.
Cuz I mean we woulda still been friends and I woulda still got teased for my hair when I was little.
Yeah but you would have been covered in girls later and never would have any time for fun!
... I would say that being covered in girls woulda been plenty of fun in itself.
Exactly! See! You would have never havee had any time for your friends!
Now you're just being stupid. Silk is rolling in pussy and he has tons of friends.
Yeah thats true. You know we really should let the people who are looking at this know what you are ranting about.
Being robbed of my birthright!
*baps* Explain it better!
Wah, you're better at explaining! ... fine okay so I got my magic sealed up cuz the mage guild is cunts when I was little and it stunted my growth. I found out sorta recently that if it hadn't I woulda been tall and crap and look like this.
Yap! So he's been angsting all over the place!
Screw you.