Pissed off Daniel
Awwww so pretty!
~Pissed off Daniel~
Artist: Gally

"...I hate the hair growth spell."
"Your sister is really good at that spell."
"She knows ONE goddamn spell and it HAS to be THAT one."*grumbles*
"Ever think about getting a warding spell?"
"Oh Hell Yah! But Dad said it would be pretty impossible to get one that didn't interfer with other spells too."
"Well that really sucks."*he styfles a snerk*
"Thats it. I'm dyeing your hair while you sleep."
"Hey I just remembered something funny thats all! .. This was that time that lil guy walked up behind you and asked if you were doing something that afternoon wasn't it?"
*hangs his head* "...yes."
"Heheheahahaahaha... sorry. *patpatsnerk*"