
Artist: Miranda Leigh

Okay well. This is a bit OOC, but Gally can't think of a better way to put it. Ahem. JESUS CHRIST!
In the name of all that is holy please, tell me why is there so much cute in such a little picture?! I thought this was against the Geneva convention or something.
I must want f*cking SOMETHING.
What ever it is, its caused you to violate the laws of kawaii to get it.
Howzat? I'm allowed to look cute!
Cute yes, but uber-toothrot-bigeyed-hyperdrive cute is supposed to be reserved for girls... And where did you get Strawberry Pocky?!! Share Now!!
Bah, since when do gender rules apply to me. And I ate it all!!
You ... Ate ... it all?
Someone call out animal control! Tell them to bring the tranquilizer guns!