Shades of Enker

~Shades of Enker~
Artist: Miranda Leigh (And then colored and multipled by Gally)

Lots of Enkers!!
I... I look like a Bishi.
Theres an Enker there and an Enkere there and another Enker there! With different colors!
This must be the older me... Because I don't think I look like that yet.
Or maybe you do! Enkers with different color hair and skin! You had the blue hair, but not purple!!
I'm not getting purple hair!
Looks better then the blue did.
Yap! Now dye your skin!
Oh now _thats_ something I'll never do!
Awww... dye your skin!
You first!
Already have sorta!
That wasn't intentional and it sure wasn't on your face.
Was all over me! Remember when I turned green in the undead realm?
Oh yeah ... But you were dead, you were turning green anyway.
Not bright green! And Land turned me purple once.
True, true, but I'm still not doing it!